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These chapters of the website were primarily designed for
Cytotechnologists and Pathologists (trainee and practicing)
who regularly examine cervical cytological preparations
The chapters are also designed for
General practitioners
Nurse practitioners
All these professional groups could benefit from the chapters that explain the effectiveness and limitations of cervical cancer screening as well as the sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of the various modalities involved in an increasingly multidisciplinary process
Summary of Chapters
The central theme of this section of the website is cervical cytopathology, which includes:
- Guidelines for collecting cellular samples, comparison between conventional and liquid-based cytology, processing samples in the laboratory and automation
- Criteria for adequacy and terminology, normal cytology and benign/reactive changes, cytological abnormalities of precancerous lesions and cancer, and recommendations for management
- Pitfalls in cytological diagnosis
- Quality control, quality assurance and quality standards
Chapters on background information include chapters on
- Anatomy, histology and function of the cervix
- Epidemiology and aetiology
- Pathogenesis of cervical cancer and its precursors
- Principles of screening and measurement of its accuracy
- Effect of screening on incidence and mortality
- The role of HPV tests in cervical screening and the effect of vaccination
The final chapter will describe the place of cytology, colposcopy findings, HPV status and biopsies in a multidisciplinary setting
Chapter 1 provides a histological overview up to the present day and refers to the chapters listed above. References and sources of images in Chapter 1 are provided in the relevant chapters.