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Welcome to Eurocytology
The Eurocytology website is a unified platform for the vocational training and professional education of cytotechnologists and cytopathologists engaged in all aspects of clinical cytology screening and diagnosis. It is free to use and we only ask to cite the source should it be used for public or institutional use.
All the images are now protected by a watermark but static images as well as virtual scans of the cases can be accessed for personal and teaching use.
The website was originally developed with EU Leonardo funding in the 2005-07 call. Its use significantly exceeded expectations. It quickly became the most used cytology e-learning training platform on the web. The platform was originally based on a static architecture and was available in 6 languages (English, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Polish, Hungarian), thanks to the then partners from the Swedish, Hungarian, Polish and Italian Cytology Societies. After a successful second Leonardo grant in 2013-2015 our IT partner Interfase updated the website architecture by making it dynamic and thanks to new partners from the EFCS, Czech and Turkish Cytology Societies the courses were updated and additional translations were added (Turkish, Czech and Portuguese) with, Romanian and Russian being currently implemented or planned. Recent traffic data show that this is truly an international platform which has drawn from the best cytology experiences worldwide.