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Clinical features

  • Benign tumour/tumour like malformation
  • Rare in children
  • Association with other malformations and tumours
  • X-ray-
    • Peripheral coin lesion with well demarcated borders
    • Calcification (curvilinear popcorn)-diagnostic-best seen in computed tomography

Fig 88 – Lung Hamartoma Smear from a transthoracic guided fine needle aspiration, Fragment of mesenchyma in a myxoid matrix. (H&E)

  • Malformed cartilage -the presence of cartilage by itself is not enough
  • Mesenchymal myxoid matrix (essential to diagnose) (characteristic linear fibrillary parallelism)
  • Sheets of bronquial epithelium


No contributory

Modern Techniques of Diagnosis

No contributory

Differential Diagnosis

  • Normal tissue from chest wall or bronchus
  • Teratoma (Dermoid)
    • More frequent in the mediastinum
    • Cartilage can also be seen as well as mesenchymal tissue
  • Blastoma
    • Cartilage is immature