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Mature teratoma is not a cytological diagnosis. The presence of an immature or malignant component in a tumour cannot be ruled out through FNA.

Clinical features

  • Mature tumours in children are mostly cystic (dermoid cyst)
  • Bilateral in 15%

Fig 63 – Teratoma –Testicular teratoma – Adipose cells, epithelial cylindrical cells and a three-dimensional group of poorly differentiated epithelial cells. Macrophages can be seen in the background (H&E)

  • Representation of the different constituents (epithelial or mesenchymatous)
  • Presence of immature tissues (blastemal, cartilage, etc.)
  • Presence of malignant cells
  • Cystic component


  • Stains correspond to the tissues present

Modern diagnostic techniques

  • Non-contributory

Differential diagnosis

  • With all the tissues and tumours that may be present in mature, immature and/or malignant teratoma

Main points

  • Tumours that arise from a germ cell after first meiotic division