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There are monomorphous middle-sized epithelial cells in a clear background. The cytoplasm is abundant and eosinophilic (non metachromatic with Giemsa stain). The cell population is homogeneous. The cells are similar to the oncocytic cells of Whartin tumor, but lymphocytes and necrotic background are missing.

Typical oncocytic cells arranged in loose sheets (A). The background is clean, the cytoplasm is aboundant.The variation in nuclear size may or may not be conspicuous, real atypia, necrosis and extreme cellularity speaks only for malignancy!
Typical oncocytic cells arranged in loose sheets (A). The background is clean, the cytoplasm is aboundant.The variation in nuclear size may or may not be conspicuous, real atypia, necrosis and extreme cellularity speaks only for malignancy!