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Células escamosas atípicas de significado incierto

The charactistic features of ASCUS are shown in this cell cluster. The atypical cells are usually the size of intermediate or superficial squamous cells. cell cluster. The nuclei occupy 2.5-3 times the area of the cell. There is a slightly increased n/c ratio, nuclear hyperchromasia, slight anisonucleosis
A few atypical squamous cells in this otherwise normal smear show slight variation in size and shape and some nuclear hyperchromasia.
Atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) are usually the size of intermediate or superficial squamous cells.The charactistic features of ASCUS are shown in this cell cluster. The nuclei occupy 2.5-3 times the area of the cell. There is a slightly increased n/c ratio, nuclear hyperchromasia, slight anisonucleosis and dense orangeophilic cytoplasm. The changes could reflect the degenerative changes of inflammation (note numerous polymorphs in the background) but LSIL cannot be excluded.
The Atypical squamous cells  of undetermined significance (ASCUS) in this smear show slight variation in size and shape and nuclear hyperchromasia. The orangeophilic cytoplasm suggests that this could be HPV change but  classical koilocytes were not found in this smear.
The nuclei of koilocytes are almost always slightly enlarged due to the presence of  episomal HPV DNA. The koilocytes in this  slides show nuclear atypia amounting to ASCUS /LSIL.