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L’errore nello screening e la necessità di un controllo di qualità

La garanzia di qualità è essenziale per ridurre il rischio di errori nella citologia cervicale

Ci sono tre tipi di errori:

Fino al 10% degli strisci di donne con cancro cervicale pre-invasivo o nelle prime fasi può non contenere cellule atipiche.

Ci sono tre possibili spiegazioni per questa ragione:

  1. Errors of smear taking:
    1. The area of the transformation zone was not adequately sampled
    2. The abnormal cells were not transferred from spatula to slide
    3. The CIN lesion may be small and/or high in the endocervical canal beyond the reach of the spatula
  2. Errors of fixation and processing:
    1. Cell morphology not clearly displayed
    2. Nuclear/ cytoplasmic ratios distorted
    3. Nuclear outline and chromatin structure poorly displayed
    4. Pale nuclear staining and  loss of nuclear/ cytoplasmic contrast
    5. Clerical error in mislabeling of slide
  3. Errors in the interpretation of the smear:
    1. Loss of concentration when screening
    2. Habituation- A subconscious process by which the brain ignores a repeated signal
    3. Distraction from screening (a telephone call)
    4. Failure to screen the whole slide
    5. Fatigue (screening too many slides at a sitting)
    6. Unsatisfactory microscope optics or laboratory ergonomics
    7. Clerical error in recording results

Referto con un falso negativo o con un falso positivo

Un referto con un falso negativo viene fatto quando il citologo non riesce a individuare cellule atipiche nello striscio.

Un referto con un falso positivo viene fatto quando uno striscio negativo viene refertato come contenete cellule atipiche

False negative reports are particularly harmful because for the patient because they result in failure to diagnose or treat the patient’s cancer.


Fino al 45% di strisci di donne con carcinoma invasivo avanzato possono non contenere cellule atipiche. Questo perché le lesioni sono necrotiche e ulcerate, e lo striscio contiene interamente sangue, polimorfonucleati, detriti necrotici (chiamate anche diatesi maligne). I citotecnici possono ridurre questi problemi valutando sistematicamente gli strisci per la loro adeguatezza e segnalando a chi effettua gli strisci la qualità degli strisci stessi.

Pitfalls in diagnosis

  1. Small cell dyskariosis
  2. Follicular lymphocytic  cervicitis
  3. CIN3 minibiopsies  ( microbiopsies ) or CIN involving crypts
  4. Discrete small keratinised cells
  5. Endometriosis , tubo endometrioid  metaplasia
  6. Lower segment endometrium
  7. Immature metaplastic cells
  8. Histiocytes
  9. radiation changes
Radiation changes : the anisonucleosis in this cluster of  
squamous  cells is marked but the nuclear structure is bland and the cytoplasm abundant. It is important to take note of the   clinical history when interpreting a smear.
Immature metaplastic cells: The slight anisonucleosis and hyperchromasia in this cluster of cells led to a diagnosis of ASCUS . Colposcopy and subsequent cytology were negative .
Immature metaplastic cells: The slight anisonucleosis and hyperchromasia in this cluster of cells led to a diagnosis of ASCUS . Colposcopy and subsequent cytology were negative .
These epithelial cells were present in a follow up smear from a woman who had LLETZ for CIN3.They were reported as suspicious of recurrence/residual CIN but colposcopy and follow up cytology was negative .They are probably immature metaplastic cells.

A dense cluster of poorly differentiated malignant squamous cells from a case of invasive squamous carcinoma . High power microscopy of the edge of the cluster reveals the crowded overlapping hyperchromatic nuclei which vary in shape and size and have abnormal chromatin content.

A dense cluster of poorly differentiated malignant squamous cells from a case of invasive squamous carcinoma . High power microscopy of the edge of the cluster reveals the crowded overlapping hyperchromatic nuclei which vary in shape and size and have abnormal chromatin content.
This smear was from a case of invasive squamous carcinoma. Note the numerous discrete small keratinised cells Note also the malignant diathesis. Elsewhere in the smear there were severely dyskariotic cells.