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Responsibilities of laboratory managers for ensuring health and safety in the laboratory

Responsibilities of the health and safety officer in the laboratory

Untoward incident book

This is a vital responsibility for all of those working in the lab.

It should contain the following information

  1. The date, time, place and name of the people involved (including witnesses) and brief description of any events involving the death or major injury of a person working on site or a member of public.
  2. Details of injuries at work requiring the person to be absent from work for longer then 3 days
  3. Details of all diseases or illnesses which could be attributed to pathogen in the workplace
  4. Information about dangerous occurrences including ‘near misses’ such as accidental release of any pathogen, accidental spill of acid or accidental needle stick injury
  5. A copy of the signed report should be presented to the injured person