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Jak ur?it profesní riziko

(Stanovení a kontrola látek ohrožujících zdraví)

Krok 1: Ur?ete každou aktivitu v laborato?i a stanovte míru ohrožení

Krok 2:Ur?ete riziko každého ohrožení dle následujícího

P?íklad stránky návod? k ochran? zdraví a bezpe?nosti p?i práci.

Location Cytology laboratory
Activity/Work process Specimen reception
Hazardous substance Unfixed body fluids
Nature of hazard Biohazard,  risk of  HIV, HepB, HepC
Level of risk Low
Description of how substance are actually being used Unfixed body fluids delivered in plastic container in sealed plastic bag labeled Biohazard.
Persons at risk Receptionists and cytotechnologists
Frequency of use Daily
Personal protective equipment used Laboratory coat, disposable  gloves, goggles
Existing control measures Specimens normally opened in Class 1 cabinet . Personnel  trained in handling biohazard .Instruction on managing spillage, leakage ,inhalation and eye or   skin contact given
Are additional control measures required No
Is health surveillance necessary No
Assessment carried out by Laboratory manager or health and safety office
Name and date JJRP 13/5/2006
Date for review 1 year