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Training ,certification and CPE
- Guidelines for training personnel participating in cervical cancer screening can be found in the European Journal of Cancer (1993) vol 20A supplement 4.
- They relate to training of clerical and secretarial staff , cytotechnologists and pathologists
- They were prepared by a working party of the Europe Against Cancer program with the support of many national cytology societies in the EC.
- Each country has modified the guidelines to suit their own needs and to integrate cytology training into their own system of vocational training (for further information about training see link to Eurocytology website module Training in EU countries. Training needs and differences in training in EU countries. EACC database)
- Cytotechnologist should have a regional, national or international certificate indicating completion of training and competence in screening
- The QUATE Aptitude test is offered by the European Federation of Cytology Societies (EFCS). It is an international examination which is designed to provide an objective assessment of a cytotechnologists competence to screen cervical smears. The test comprises :
- Written test 50 multiple choice questions
- Practical screening test 12 cervical smears (or LBC specimens)
- Spot test (20 images)
- For further information see pdf quate aptitude test for cytotechnologist