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Definizione: Una diagnosi citologica di cellule ghiandolari atipiche deve essere fatta quando cellule endocervicali o endometriali nello striscio mostrano atipia nucleare che superano le alterazioni presenti nelle modificazioni riparative o rigenerative ma non quelle presenti nell’adenocarcinoma .alcuni esempi sono dati nelle diapositive sottostanti.

Atypical endocervical cells in a blood stained smear from a 55 year old woman.There is anisonucleosis and the nuclei have an abnormal chromatin structure.There were few such cells in the smear .The cells were poorly preserved making it more likely that they were of endometrial origina. Endometrial carcinoma cannot be excluded.
Atypical endocervical cells: a single strip of glandular cells with enlarged hyperchromatic but structureless nuclei and showing marked anisonucleosis was noted in the cervical smear of a 35 year old woman. No abnormality was found. The abnormal cells may reflect degenerative inflammatory change.
Atypical glandular cells: a small cluster of endometrial cells  containing hyperchromatic nuceli with coarse chromatin in a smear from a  woman on hormone replacement therapy.Endometrial hyperplasia grade 1 was confirmed.
Atypical glandular cells: a small cluster of endometrial cells  containing hyperchromatic nuceli with coarse chromatin  and discrete endometrial cells showing anisonucleosis in a smear from a woman on HRT. Endometrial hyperplasia was confirmed on curettage.
Atypical glandular cells: this smear from a 43 year old woman contained a few dense clusters of small hyperchromatic nuclei showing anisonucleosis and nuclear moulding. Endometrial adenocarcinoma was confirmed on curettage.