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A munkafolyamatok menete a cytologiai laboratóriumban:


A minták átvétele

  1. A keneteket és kérõlapokat a laboratóriumi átvételkor egyeztetni kell. A kenetnek és a kérõlapnak ugyanazon azonosító számmal kell rendelkeznie.
  2. A kenetet Papanicolaou festéssel kell megfesteni.
  3. A festés után a kenetet DPX ragasztó segítségével fedõlemezzel kell lefedni (optimális mérete 22x50mm).
  4. A fedést követõen megszáradt keneteket fel kell cimkézni újra és a kérõlappal együtt az elõszurésre átküldeni.

A Papanicolaou festés

Sok évi kísérletezés után Dr.Papanicolaou dolgozta ki azt a trichrom festést, melyet kis módosítással napjainkban is a citológiai minták festésére használunk (Papanicolaou 1942: A new procedure for staining vaginal smears Science 95,438) Az optimalisan festett kenetnek nem szabad megszáradnia fixálás elõtt vagy a procedura alatt.

Papanicolaou festés

# Procedure Time Comment
1 Remove polyethylene glycol carbowax fixative In 50% alcohol 2 min’s Failure to remove carbowax will result in artifact which obscure the cells & is difficult to remove
2 Rinse in water 1 min Ensure re hydration is complete
3 Stain in Harris Haematoxylin 5 min’s Staining time will depend on formula of haematoxylin
4 Rinse in water 2 min’s Unbound haematoxylin is removed
5 Differentiate in 0.5% aqueous hydrochloric acid 10-20 sec’s _
6 Rinse in tap water 2 min’s _
7 Blue in Scott’s tap water substitute 1 min he brown colour of acid haematin is changed to blue/ black by weak alkaline solution
8 Rinse in water 2 min’s Wash thoroughly to remove alkaline salts
9 Dehydrate 70%alcohol 2 min’s Dehydrate through graded alcohols
10 Dehydrate  95%alcohol 2 min’s  
11 Dehydrate 95%alcohol 2 min’s  
12 Stain in Orange G6 (OG6) 2 min’s  
13 Rinse in 95% alcohol 2 min’s  
14 Rinse in 95% alcohol 2 min’s  
15 Rinse in 95% alcohol 2 min’s  
16 Stain in Gills EA30 solution 3 min’s  
17 Rinse in 95%  alcohol  x3 1 min  
18 Clear in xylene x3 and mount in DPX 1 min Leave in xylene until ready to mount in DPX

Resulting stain:  

The end result should retain the transparent quality of the cytoplasm and the chromatin structure of the nuclei  should be clearly defined.

Comment on the Papanicolaou staining method:

The Papanicolaou stain is a polychrome staining method which comprises a nuclear stain (haematoxylin) and two counterstains (Orange G and EA dyes). Hydration of the fixed smear is required for the cells to take up the haematoxylin whereas dehydration prepares the smear for the counterstains. Modification of the stain is common as each laboratory prefers its own colour balance. Adjustments are made by altering the length of time in haematoxylin and EA dye. Other factors which may affect the colour balance are chemical content of the tap water, temperature, pH of specimen and number of slides per batch of stain.   Providing that the nuclear detail is clearly defined and the transparency of the cytoplasm is maintained, interlaboratory variation of the colour balance is acceptable. However each laboratory should standardise its procedure so the results are reproducible.

The Papanicolaou staining method may progressive or regressive.

In the progressive method the intensity of nuclear staining is controlled by immersion of the slide in a “blueing” agent after the nucleus has been stained to the required intensity with haematoxylin. The blueing agents most commonly used are Scott’s tap water substitute (pH 8.02), ammonium hydroxide and lithium carbonate. (Tap water can be used if the pH is suitable). Progressive staining tints the cytoplasm very lightly.

In regressive staining, the nucleus is deliberately overstained with a non-acidified haematoxylin. The excess stain is removed with dilute hydrochloric acid solution. The decolourising acid is then removed by immersing the slide in running tap water. Timing is important in the regressive method as the outcome may be a hypochromatic nucleus rather than a hyperchromatic nucleus. The cytoplasm is also totally decolourised by the acid solution. Harris’s haematoxylin is usually combined with the regressive staining method. Gill’s or Mayer’s haematoxylin is usually used for the progressive staining method. It is important to remember that the pH of the solution is more important than whether the haematoxolin is used progressively or regressively.

Orange G is an acidic dye which stains basic proteins such a prekeratin a pink colour. Orange G also has a strong affinity for keratin which stains bright orange. Thus it is an important marker of abnormal keratinisation of the cervical and vaginal epithelium such as occurs in prolapse and wart virus infection. It is also a sensitive marker of well differentiated squamous carcinoma of the cervix. It is of utmost importnace that the rinsing baths are clean and the staining solutions are changed frequently otherwise both nuclear and cytoplasmic staining will be defective.

EA is a polychromatic stain which is a combination of light green, SF yellow and eosin Y. It stains the cytoplasm of metabolically active cells (such as parabasal cells intermediate cells leucocytes and histiocytes as well as cancer cells) a light green colour.
However, the colour balance of a Papanicolaou stained slide depends not only on the staining method used but also the commercial source of the stains and the pH of the cell sample. In consequence the Papanicolaou stain cannot be considered to be an exact stoichiometric stain although the correlation between Pap stained and Feulgen stained material is reportedly very high.

For further information about the Papanicolaou stain and general cytopreparatory techniques please consult Chapter 34 , Cytopreparatory Techniques by CM Keebler in Comprehensive Cytopathology (1996) editor M Bibbo pub Saunders.   

Az elõszurés és leletezés


A cervicalis kenetek leletezésének, terminológiája és alapelve

A lelet öt összetevõje

  1. A minta típusa pl. cervicalis kaparék, endocervicalis kefeminta vagy LBC minta, feljegyzendõ.
  2. értékelni kell a mintát, hogy megfelelõ-e.
  3. A leletnek tartalmaznia kell a citológiai elváltozások rövid leírását széles körben ismert és használt szaknyelven.
  4. Kóros citologiai lelet esetén az esetleges cervicalis patológiai elváltozást jelezni kell.
  5. A lelelt ötödik része tartalmazza a javaslatokat, de ez nem opcionális.